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Thermocouple / RTD

  • Thermocouple

  • Introduction:
    Thermocouple consists of two lines formed by the different composition of the metal material welded together at one end, when the welding point (ie measurement points) will produce a thermal heat from the power (this is the famous "Seebeck Effect "), its size is equal to the temperature of different welding points and the other end (see contact) between the temperature difference. Therefore, by maintaining the reference junction temperature setting can measure the temperature measurement points. according to the specifications of cable, type (Type) with B, R, S, K, E, J, T, N. .. K-type of which the most commonly used. use temperature limits were ranging from 200 ℃ ~ 1800 ℃. factors have 0.32,0.5,0.65,1.0,1.6,2.3,3.2 mm diameter and so on ....



  • Specifications:
    Well offers a full line of thermocouple sensors including the MICROCOIL surface sensor, radio frequency thermocouple probe, tapered thermocouple probe.
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  • Pt100 Probes

  • Introduction:
    Use of pure metal line resistance to measure temperature, electrical resistance increases with temperature to a fixed rate of increase. Platinum resistance element most commonly used for this purpose, it is made of pure platinum wire wound around a thin mica, mica was covered with protective film, plus a sheet of stainless steel or other materials which formed. Some elements are tangled by the resistance of the line glass or mica heart structure, rather then this combination of a rigid sealed in a glass or ceramic tube, the contact between components and compensation wire (two or three) that were placed in The protection tube, and with terminal boxes and embedded in the parts connected to each other ...
  • Specifications:
    Temperature range
               L-low temperature (-200 ~ 100 ℃) M-in temperature by (0 ~ 350 ℃) H-high temperature use (0 ~ 650 ℃)
    The number of prime line
              1 - One of the few (1 outlet temperature set point 1) 2 - double logarithmic (1 outlet temperature set point 1)



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