- PRODUCTS -產品訊息
Thermal SW. / Thermal Meters
Capillary Thermostat
- Introduction:
Thermostat are able to control temperature by NO/NC auction . This quality machine components can be generally application Freezers、Refrigerators 、Water Fountain 、 Oven、Water Heaters machines.
- Specifications:
TS030SB / TS050SB / TS080SB / TS120SB / TS200SB / TS320SB...
TRT Series
- Introduction:
- Specifications: MORE
雙金屬溫度計 / Thermometers
- Introduction:The bimetallic thermometer may divide into three broad headings generally: Horizontal -like (BL-Type)/straight -like (BS-Type) and pliable musical form (BA-Type), the temperature instruction calibrated dial for the standard, may also accept ordering.(Made In Taiwan)
- Specifications: